
EFT Online Tapping

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Specialist Mentoring Topics & Dates

EFT International Organisation requires 6 hours per annum from all Practitioners & Trainers. Official Annual Mentoring is required from all EFT International (formerly AAMET) members at all levels to maintain your professional status.

Marie Holliday is a Master Trainer of Trainers & Official Mentor with a wealth of experience in training and mentoring. You can join Marie for a friendly yet professional mentoring session with follow up documents/advice/tips etc where needed to help and guide you through your practice, study and learning. Marie teaches EFT up to and including Trainer level and offers mentoring following your training to fully guide you in your way forward understanding your strengths and weaknesses and building on both.

Marie also welcomes students and practitioners that she has not taught so please feel free to contact her with some details about your training, levels, your trainer and what you would like to see as your mentoring outcome.  Marie attracts multi-national attendees from UK, US, Canada, India, Brazil, France, Spain, Germany, amongst just a few countries. If you prefer regular 90 minute sessions of Group Mentoring without the speciality option, then visit here.

You can Download a Mentoring Information Brochure here.

Join Marie's Google EFT Mentoring Group for all upcoming mentoring dates here:

You can choose from the following 2 x Group Mentoring Topic Options & Payments, as the following:

1) A 'One -Off' session at £60.00 from the Choices below

2) Or 3 x Session Choices, at only £ 157.00, saving £23.00 and meeting your 6 hours annual EFTi requirement.


World Time Converter here

Here is the selection of the Specialist Mentoring Topics & Dates on offer currently:-

Specialist Topic Mentoring:Group Mentoring Date:Time UK: Suits US, Canada & EuropeInformation:Mentoring Fee. One Session of 2 hoursMentoring Fee. 3 x Sessions of Your Choice = 6 hours. Discounted 
EFT with Your Animal CompanionsSeptember 9th 202415.00 - 17.00 pmComplimentary E Book included. Bring Your Questions about your own animal companion-or general interest including physical & surrogate tapping. Bring your own animal topic/issue.£ 60.00£157.00 ( Save £23.00)
EFT with Serious Illness, Chronic DiseaseOctober 2nd 202415.00 - 17.00 pmDeep dive into your clients serious /chronic health & learn ways to work with them. And if you are overcoming your own personal health challenges & questions.£60.00£ 157.00 ( Save £23.00)
Cravings & AddictionsNovember 18th 202415.00 - 17.00 pmMentoring guidance into this difficult area and looking into Craving Shortcut Method, case study highlights and any of your own questions.£60.00 £157.00 ( Save £23.00)
 Questioning Techniques including finding the Root Cause.December 9th 202415.00 - 17.00 pmMarie is gifting a comprehensive Complimentary E Book on Questioning Techniques which many Practitioners find difficulty with. This will also include a technique for getting to the Root Cause of an issue with questioning techniques. £60.00£ 157.00 ( Save £23.00)
Limiting Beliefs & Gary Craig's 'Palace of Possibilities' January 9th 202515.00 - 17.00 pmThis is a huge area of developing your skills set-bring your own issues and clients on limiting beliefs. Marie will share 2 simple pdfs for you to use that you can use to create a 'Positive' from the 'Negatives'.£60.00 £157.00 ( Save £23.00)
Introducing Your EFT Techniques when working with Anxiety & StressFebruary 3rd 2025 Delving into how to work with Anxiety & Stress in your everyday practice-both for Yourself & Clients. using different EFT techniques.£60.00£ 157.00 ( Save £23.00)


Purchase One Session of 2 hours Group Mentoring - Specialist Topic

Pay here £60.00 & then Contact Marie with your Topic Choice on the Contact Form with date/topic. 

Purchase Annual Requirement of 3 x Sessions of 6 hours Mentoring - Specialist Topic

Pay here £157.00 for annual mentoring and contact Marie with your Choices & Dates on the Contact Form.


Download a Mentoring Information Brochure here. 

Marie Holliday Master Trainer of Trainers


Marie training Level 1 students


Marie lives in Spain & mentors worldwide in all time zones


Marie is an approved Mentor with EFT International


Marie is a Master Trainer of Trainers with EFTi


Discuss techniques, case studies, practice reviews, client issues etc

(KC is now known as S of H)


Download a Mentoring Information Brochure here. 

Mentoring-Specialist Topic Contact Marie