Complimentary Resources
The Energy Exchange Photograph Techniques
The 'Energy Exchange Photograph Technique' is one of Marie's own techniques that she developed and presented at an EFT Masterclass Conference in UK, 2007 and was published by Gary Craig as an area of interest for Practitioners to use.
This is a very useful and very gentle surrogate 'technique', including multi ways with your clients, for self, animals, using photograph(s) and offers great efficacy when combined with EFT.
You are welcome to download here.
Marie discusses this with many examples as part of her Serious Illness Course.
The CASTaway Technique
The CASTaway Technique is one of Marie's techniques she developed many years ago and shows great efficacy with reversals such as massive reversals and mini-reversals where someone can shift in and out really quickly, as the sore point is covered also.
A Calm And Soothing Technique which is an aid - memoir for the points in CASTaway.
Calm = Collar Bone
And = Arm Points
Soothing = Sore Points
Technique = Thymus
It is used with continuous tapping and can be used on torso for minutes, as many people love the soothing and calming effect it has. Additionally it can offer cognitive shifts very quickly.
You can download the CASTaway Technique here.
There is a simple CASTaway Technique Tapping Chart here.
This is another technique discussed more on Marie's Serious Illness Course.
OM Tapping.
Complimentary OM Tapping Resource (use with or without Yoga) .
Use Tapping and Yoga with the 'OM', so instead of tapping with a problem or issue reminder phrase, use it with the OM sound. Several reasons this is great, it helps relax really easily and quickly, so is a calming technique & great for those who enjoy Yoga, or enjoy the OM sound.
Works along with the Polyvagal and nervous system so benefits all round.
Also introduces Wrist point.
You are welcome to download Maries' OM Tapping Technique here.
Palace of Possibilities Limiting Beliefs Handout.
This is a useful resource for Trainers and Practitioners.
Trainers are welcome to use this in conjunction with the accompanying Palace of Possibilities Handout below for their training session. Additionally Practitioners may wish to use this for clients.
This handout is a simple sheet where a person writes down a list of any limiting beliefs around their Palace of Possibility Affirmation. The limiting beliefs can be eliminated with EFT.
The client can keep this and write down any limiting beliefs and reminds them to eliminate them with tapping.
Download Limiting Beliefs Handout here.
The Palace of Possibilities Affirmation Handout
This accompanies the Limiting Beliefs Handout above.
The two handouts work in conjunction with each other.
Affirmation statements are used here and written on this Palace Sheet as to the desired positive affirmation outcome. If any limiting beliefs or 'tail enders' come up they can be written down on the POP limiting beliefs sheet above, to eliminate by tapping.
Download POP Affirmation Handout here.
Simple Surrogate Tapping Aid for Animals
Surrogate Tapping Aid Download for Animal Companions.
This is a simple guide with a step by step process to using surrogate tapping for your animal companions.
Many people want to use tapping for their pets but are very unsure what to do.
This download is easily adapted for humans.
Surrogate work could be used along with the Energy Exchange Photo Techniques download above.
Download this Surrogate Tapping Aid for Animals here.
This and many more complimentary ebook downloads are available on Marie's EFT Speciality workshop for
EFT with Animals and NEW EFT Animal Practitioner Course & Accreditation.
Working Online Guide.
Many Practitioners want to host online sessions or workshops with groups, communities or specialist areas but are
often very nervous, or no confidence, or may be worried about the outcome.
This is definitely an area you can take to Mentoring of course but here is a concise Guide that may help you through
some of the pitfalls and offer ideas.
Download your Online Guide here.
Download Marie's FREE EFT Basic Manual.
This is a 17 page Manual which will help you start using EFT, give you detailed location acupoints and some great information that will help you on your way to using EFT.
Whilst a basic guide it is comprehensive where the acupoints are concerned, such as location, how to use etc.
Disclaimer for using on self in book.
Download your copy here and let Marie know if you have any success with tapping!
The Movie Technique & Tell the Story Technique.
If you use EFT professionally, or are a student then this quick Reference Guideline, highlights many of the subtle differences in these two techniques which are known as 'Gentle Techniques'.
Marie is often brought this as a subject to mentoring and people struggle with it and about how to combine them, what are the differences etc in these techniques. Marie, therefore compiled this pdf of the two techniques and it is available to download here.